Note: * = equal contributions
See also Pubmed search
- Bouquet, C. A., Van Der Wel, R. P. R. D., Lafleur, M., & Duffy, S. (2025). Regulation of automatic imitation: Domain-specific versus domain-general control processes. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance, 51(1), 32–49.
Noy, L, Hassin-Baer, S., Fay-Karmon, T., Kattouf, N., Israeli-Korn, S., van der Wel, R., & Friedman, J. (in press). Submovements in manual tracking: People with Parkinson’s disease produce more submovements than age-matched controls. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation.
- van der Wel R. P. R. D., Huang, Z., & Mahdinia, F. (in press). Kinematic coding as a generative framework: Comment on “Kinematic coding: Measuring Information in Naturalistic Behaviour” by Becchio, Pullar, Scaliti, and Panzeri. Physics of life reviews.
Mahdinia, F., Lindor, A., Hemmer, P., & van der Wel, R. (2024). Sense of Agency: Towards Empirically Driven Measures and Understanding. Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society, 46. Retrieved from
Noy, L., van der Wel, R., & Friedman, J. (2024). A slow limit: extensive motor training cannot overcome a limit on the production of slow and smooth motion. Journal of neurophysiology, 132(6), 1779–1792.
- Seubert, O., van der Wel, R., Reis, M., Pfister, R., & Schwarz, K. A. (2024). The one exception: The impact of statistical regularities on explicit sense of agency. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance. Advance online publication.
van der Wel, R. P. R. D., Prodanova, Y., Snyder, J., Welsh, T. N., & Böckler, A. (2024). Is emotion perception altered by gaze direction, gender appearance, and gender identity of the perceived face?. Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 10.1037/emo0001406. Advance online publication.
- Witt, J.K.*, & van der Wel, R.P.R.D.* (2024). Perception, action, and social cognition. In Carlston, D.E., Johnson, K., and Hugenberg, K. (Eds.). Oxford Handbook of Social Cognition. Oxford Press, pp. 245-272.
van der Wel R. P. R. D. (2023). Rich behavior, parsimony, and parameters: Comment on “Beyond simple laboratory studies: Developing sophisticated models to study rich behavior” by Maselli, Gordon, Eluchans, Lancia, Thiery, Moretti, Cisek, and Pezzulo. Physics of life reviews, 47, 184–185.
- van der Wel, R. P. R. D.*, Pittig, R.*, Welsh, T. N., & Böckler, A. (2023). What’s in a gaze, what’s in a face?: The direct gaze effect can be modulated by emotion expression. Emotion, 23(2), 400–411.
Breil, C., Raettig, T., Pittig, R., van der Wel, R., Welsh, T., & Böckler, A. (2022). Don’t look at me like that: Integration of gaze direction and facial expression. Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance, 48(10), 1083–1098.
van der Wel, R., Becchio, C., Curioni, A., & Wolf, T. (2021). Understanding joint action: Current theoretical and empirical approaches. Acta psychologica, 215, 103285.
- van der Wel, R.P., Böckler, A., & Welsh, T. (2018). Talking heads or talking eyes? Effects of head orientation and sudden onset gaze cues on attention capture. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 80(1), 1-6.
Meyer, M., van der Wel, R.P.R.D., & Hunnius, S. (2016). Planning my actions to accommodate yours: Joint action development during early childhood. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 371(1693), 20150371, 1-9.
van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2016). A joint action perspective on embodiment. In Y. Coello and M. Fischer (Eds.). Conceptual and Interactive Embodiment: Foundations of Embodied Cognition. Psychology Press, 165-182.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D., & Fu, E. (2015). Entrainment and task co-representation effects for discrete and continuous action sequences. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 22(6), 1685-1691.
- Böckler, A., van der Wel, R.P., & Welsh, T. (2015). Eyes Only? Perceiving eye contact is neither sufficient nor necessary for attentional capture by face direction. Acta Psychologica, 160, 134-140.
- Seegelke, C., Hughes, C.M.L., Wunsch, K., van der Wel, R.P.R.D., & Weigelt, M. (2015). Frames of reference in action plan recall: influence of hand and handedness. Experimental Brain Research, 233(10), 2801-2812.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2014). Do people automatically track others’ beliefs? Evidence from a continuous measure. Cognition, 130(1), 128-133.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D.*, Huhn, J.*, & Schimpf, K.A., (2014). Symmetries in action: On the interactive nature of action planning constraints for bimanual object manipulations. Experimental Brain Research, 232(12), 3919-3927.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D. (2014). Matlab script published in Rosenbaum, D.A., Vaughan, J., & Wyble, B., MATLAB for Behavioral Scientists (2nd Edition), New York, NY: Routledge / Taylor and Francis, pp. 280-283.
- Böckler, A., van der Wel, R.P., & Welsh, T. (2014). Catching eyes: Effects of social and non-social cues on attention capture. Psychological Science, 25(3), 720-727.
- Rosenbaum, D.A., Herbort, O., van der Wel, R., & Weiss, D.J. (2014). What’s in a grasp? American Scientist, 102(5), 366-373.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D.*, Meyer, M.*, & Hunnius, S. (2013). Higher-order action planning for individual and joint object manipulations. Experimental Brain Research, 225(4),579-588.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Cues to agency: Time can tell. In J. Metcalfe and H. Terrace (Eds.). Agency and Joint Attention (pp. 256-267). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Action perception from a common coding perspective. In K. Johnson and M. Shiffrar (Eds.). People Watching: Social, Perceptual, and Neurophysiological Studies of Body Perception (pp. 101-120). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
- Vesper, C., van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2013). Are you ready to jump? Predictive mechanisms in interpersonal coordination. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 39(1), 48-61.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D, Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G.K. (2012). The sense of agency during skill learning in individuals and dyads. Consciousness and Cognition, 21(3), 1267-1279.
- Rosenbaum, D.A., Chapman, K.M., Weigelt, M., Weiss, D.J., & van der Wel, R. (2012). Cognition, action, and object manipulation. Psychological Bulletin, 138(5), 924-946.
- Eskenazi, T., van der Wel, R.P.R.D., &Sebanz, N. (2012). Mechanisms for skilled joint action performance. In N.Hodges and A.M. Williams (Eds.). Skill Acquisition in Sport:Research, Theory and Practice II, 229-246.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Knoblich, G., & Sebanz, N. (2011). Let the force be with us: Dyads exploit haptic coupling for coordination. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance,37(5), 1420-1431.
- Vesper, C., van der Wel, R.P.R.D., & Sebanz, N., & Knoblich, G. (2011). Making oneself predictable: Reduced temporal variability facilitates joint action coordination. Experimental Brain Research, 211, 517-530.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D., & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2010). Bimanual object manipulation reflects changing rather than fixed constraint dominance. Experimental Brain Research, 205(3), 351-362.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Rosenbaum, D.A., & Sternad, D. (2010). Moving the arm at different rates: Slow movements are avoided. Journal of Motor Behavior, 42(1), 29-36.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Eder , J.R., Mitchell, A.M., Walsh, M., & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2009). Trajectories emerging from discrete versus continuous processing models in phonological competitor tasks: A commentary on Spivey, Grosjean, and Knoblich (2005). Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 35(2), 588-594.
- Rosenbaum, D.A., Cohen, R., Dawson, A., Jax, S.A., Meulenbroek, R.G.J., van der Wel, R.P.R.D., & Vaughan, J. (2009). The posture-based motion planning framework: New findings related to object manipulation, moving around obstacles, moving in three spatial dimensions, and haptic tracking. In Sternad, D. (Ed.), Progress in Motor Control – A multidisciplinary perspective. Springer.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D., Fleckenstein, R.M., Jax, S.A., & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2007). Hand path priming in manual obstacle avoidance: Evidence for abstract spatio-temporal forms in human motor control. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 33(5), 1117-1126.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D., & Rosenbaum, D.A. (2007). Coordination of locomotion and prehension. Experimental Brain Research, 176, 281-287.
- van der Wel, R.P.R.D. (2007). Matlab script published in Rosenbaum, D.A., MATLAB for Behavioral Scientists, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, pp. 213-216.
- Rosenbaum, D.A., Cohen, R.G., Jax, S.A., Weiss, D.J., & van der Wel, R.P.R.D. (2007). The problem of serial order in behavior: Lashley’s legacy. Human Movement Science, 26(4), 525-554.